a group of kids planting seedlings

Community Partnerships

Vintage Faire Mall is proud to be a community partner. We strive to meet community challenges through a combination of employee volunteerism, financial support, in-kind donations and partnerships with non-profit organizations which have missions consistent with our vision and values.

Community Partnerships

Experience Stanislaus Community Wall

Vintage Faire Mall has partnered with the Stanislaus County Roundtable and Modesto View to provide your one-stop-shop community wall.  All over Stanislaus County, there are amazing local and live events, performances, fundraisers, and get-togethers promoting communities we are proud to be a part of and serve.  Peruse the event calendar by city, pick up local event pamphlets or flyers, or check out local event posters to get month-to-month updates on what's happening near you. Located in the JCPenney Wing directly across from Shoe Palace on the first level. 

Visit the Stanislaus County Roundtable's Facebook Page or pick up an issue of The Modesto View for more information or to find out how to promote your event!  Contact Jennifer Mullen with the Modesto Visitors Bureau at 209-526-5588 on how you can participate.

Kids Club

The Vintage Faire Mall Kids Club is a great opportunity for your child to learn in a fun, interactive setting. We've teamed up with KHOP Radio to create fun activities and games that focus on discovery through play. The Vintage Faire Kids Club is located in Center Court, below the Food Court and takes place the 3rd Thursday of June, July and August from 3:30PM to 4:30PM and is 100% free to our community.

Community Christmas Tree

Help a child have a happy holiday by choosing his/her name off of the Soroptomist Giving Tree. Take a name tag, shop for a gift at Vintage Faire stores and return the items to the Soroptomist booth. Volunteers will wrap the gift and deliver it to the child before Christmas Day. The Soroptomist booth and tree is located on the upper level outside of Furniture City and opens at 10am most days arriving the week of Thanksgiving.

Front & Center Parking

During the Holidays, Front & Center Parking is open 7 days a week, for $9 per vehicle. During the Holiday Season, with every transaction on Black Friday thru Christmas Eve, we'll donate $1 to the Stanislaus Animal Shelter 

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